Are you tired of the same old team names in your dodgeball league? Do you want to stand out from the crowd and have a name that is both best and funny? Well, look no further! We have compiled a list of the most creative and hilarious dodgeball team names ideas just for you.
Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, having a catchy and memorable team name can make all the difference. It can intimidate your opponents, boost team morale, and even make you the talk of the league. From puns to pop culture references, our list has something for everyone.
Imagine sporting a name like “Dodgefathers” or “Ballstomping Bandits” – not only will it strike fear in the hearts of your adversaries, but it will also bring a smile to your teammates’ faces every time they step onto the court.
So, don’t settle for the mundane, unleash your creativity and choose a team name that will make your opponents laugh and tremble at the same time.
In this article, we will explore the best and funniest dodgeball team name ideas that will leave everyone in stitches. Get ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and laugh your way to victory!
Dodgeball Team Names
- Target Tossers
- Dodging Divas
- Ball Blasters
- Dodgeball Dynamos
- The Ducking Daredevils
- Wrench Dodgers
- The Curveball Crew
- Ballistic Ballers
- The Untouchaballs
- Dodgy Style
- The Dodgefathers
- Ball Dodgers Anonymous
- Duck, Duck, Dodge
- Aim Avengers
- Throwbocop
- Artful Dodgers
- Dodge Demons
- The Dodgenaros
- Ballbarians
- Hitmen
- No Hit Sherlock
- Ball Evasion Brigade
- Rapid Fire
- The Dodgy Armada
- Weave and Wobble
- Dodgeball Dragons
- Flying Duckmen
- Target Team
- The Dodge Brigade
- Duck Tales
- Ball of Duty
- Much Ado About Balls
- Matrix Mayhem
- Dip, Dive, & Dodge
- Catch-22
- Velocity Strikers
- Ball Hogs
- The Dodgesaurs
- Hit Squad
- Dodge Chargers
- Balls on Fire
- Throwing Ninjas
- Victorious Secret
- Avalanche Attack
- The Dodge Ballers
- Gym Class Heroes
- Dodger Federer
- Throw and Tell
- The Meme Team
- The Dodge Dukes
- Vicious and Delicious
- Dodging Daredevils
- Pivot Pirates
- Recess Rebels
- Five D’s of Dodgeball
- Sly Sliders
- Duck, Dive Destroy
- Ballistic Bombers
- Dodging Dragons
- Ricochet Rebels
- Quicksilver Queues
- Sidestep Snipers
- Ball Bashers
- Dive Bomb Squad
- Disco Dodge
- Hurling Harlequins
- Dodge-Dive Dynasts
- Vicious and Delicious
- Cosmic Players
- Juke Masters
- Tactical Throws Tribe
- Duck Duck Bruise
- The Omega Strike
- Fatal Throws
- Globo Gym Gladiators
- Hurling Huskies
- Velocity Vultures
- Sidestep Slingers
- Ball Blasters
- Dynamic Dodgers
- Backspin Bandits
- High-Velocity Vipers
- Target Terminators
- Pitch Pirates
- Ball Dodgin’ Bandits
- Hurling Hulks
- Miraculous Ducks
- Diversion Demons
- Flawless Flyers
- Grip ‘n’ Rip Gang
- Rapid Response Team
- Expendaballs
- Ball Girls
- Velocity Vortex
- Dip, Duck, Dive Dynasts
- Ripple Effect Raiders
- Catch Commanders
- Sly Shot Savages
- OutDodgers
- No Look Lobbers
- Agile Argonauts
- Artful Dodgers
- Duck & Weavers
- Artful Dodgeroo
- The Dino Balls
- Dodgeball Deviants
- Snag Squadron
- Dodge Dolls
- The Strike Pack
- Curveball Crusaders
- Bad Minions
- Dodge Chargers
- Slingshot Savages
- Ballvasion Tactics
- Ball Blasters Battalion
- Ball Beasts
- Masterful Mavericks
- Undodgeables
- Baller Status
- The Dip Ducks
- Catch-22 Crushers
- Impact Impactors
- Fancy Throws
- Dodgesaurs
- Pixelated Punchers
- The Catching Kings
- Strike Squad
- Velocity Vagrants
- Ballistic Blockers
- Launch Lords
- Pouncing Panthers
- Swerve and Strike
- Tekkers Throwers
- Can’t Dodge This
- Whip Warriors
- The Dodgeball Diplomats
- Duck, Dip, Dive

Catchy Dodgeball Team Names
- Catch and Counter Corps
- Bounce Back Team
- Ferocious Fastballs
- Demons & Dodgers
- Dodgeball Marauders
- Dynamite Dodgers
- Hit and Run
- Throwdown Thunder
- Juggernaut Jammers
- Dodgeball Dominators
- Hit Dodge Repeat
- Recess Rejects
- Vortex Vindicators
- Dodging Lunatics
- Darting Demons
- Sidestep Squad
- Ball Wreckers
- The Dodge Daddies
- Flying Duckmen
- Launchpad Legends
- Velocity Vipers
- Dodgeball Dynasties
- Swerve City
- Pummeling Pandas
- Dodge Dukes
- Disc Dodgers
- Danger Dodgers
- The Ducking Dodgers
- Rib Breakers
- Killer Shot
- Dragon Dodge
- Ducked Up
- Snow Makers
- Daring Dodgesters
- Ball Bouncers
- Strategic Strikers
- Swift Strikes Squad
- Power Pitchers
- The Artful Dodgers
- The Ricochet Rebels
- The Dodgence
- Ball Dodgers Elite
- Ballistic Brawlers
- Strike Queens
- The Throwback Thrashers
- Aerial Aces
- Victory Vipers
- Evasion Experts
- Laser Lobbers
- The Flying Squirrels
- The Duck Dodgers
- The InDodgibles
- Quickstrike Quads
- Wrench Duckers
- Throwbocop
- The Hit List
- The Spinning Spirits
- Dodgeball Titans
- The Dodge Squadron
- Deflective Dodgers
- Average Throws
- Dodging Aces
- Catch-All Commanders
- Release The Kraken
- Invincible Throwers
- The Dodge Doyens
- The Apollos
- The Dodgeball Daredevils
- Blazing Barrage
- Dodger Evasion
- Squadron of Swerve
- The Havoc Harbingers
- Maneuver Masters
- The Ball Dodgers
- Precision Pumas
- Dodgeball Dukes
- Dodge Demons
- Fire Balls
- Ballbarians
- Fierce Flyers
- Flyball Fighters
- The Dodgeball Desperadoes
- Crouching Tigers
- Throwdown Titans
- Slamming Serpents
- Ball Magnets
- Renaissance Dodge
Unique Dodgeball Team Names
- The Velocity Vandals
- The Dodge Artisans
- Dodge & Verve
- Monster Balls
- Balls to the Wall
- Ducking Diamonds
- Assaulting Avengers
- Heavy Hitters
- The Dodgefathers
- Havoc Hurlers
- Disco Dodgers
- Gladiators of Dodge
- Curving Crusaders
- Evade Entourage
- Pitch Predators
- Curve Crushers
- Velocity Villains
- White Knights
- Canniballs
- Swerve Swatters
- Shifty Shooters
- Too Hot To Handle
- Ballistic Ninjutsu
- Bouncing Bombers
- Ball Boys
- Flawless Dodgers
- The Rogue Throwers
- Ballzooka Battalion
- Dodge Crusaders
- Grip n’ Rip Rebels
- Target Team
- The Curveball Crew
- Spherical Assassins
- Blurr Ballers
- Floor Burners
- Dodgeball Dynasty
- Laser Squad
- Manic Throwers
- The Dodge-osaurs
- Dodgy Knights
- The Dodging Dead
- Agile Arrows
- The Untoucha-Balls
- Berserker Ballers
- The Dodgerflies
- Prowling Panthers
- The Wicked Whirlwinds
- Elite Ejectors
- Bullseye Brigadiers
- Average Joe’s
- Ball Blizzards
- The Invinciballs
- Ball Hurling Hydras
- Risky Ballness
- The Ballbarians
- Catch Power Players
- Prancing Panthers
- Fast and Furious
- Dodger Dudes
- Globo-Gym Gladiators
- Rubber Wreckers
- Wrench Warriors
- Ball Mavens
- One Direction Shooters
- Sniper Squad
- Turbo Tossers
- Hitmen Hunters
- Dodge Demigods
- Ground Doges
- Meteor Makers
- The Dodging Darlings
- The Elite Evaders
- Rapid Fire Rebels
- The Intangibles
- The Avoiders
- The Dodgesaurs
- Dodge Diablos
- Throwdown Clan
- Rubber Ruffians
- The Diving Dodos
- Untoucha-Ball League
- Ball Dodging Badgers
- Swift Strikers
- Hit & Dodge
- Dodge Ballerz
- The Dodge Vipers
- Dashing Dodgers
- Pitch Perfect
- Cannonball Crushers

Funny Dodgeball Team Names
- Downteam Duckers
- The Bombardment Battalion
- Ballistic Barrage
- The Dodgeball Jockeys
- Dynamic Duckers
- Ballistic Ballers
- Velocity Vandals
- Dodgeball Dragons
- The Dodge Dukes
- Electric Balls
- Stealthy Strikers
- Tossing Titans
- Ballistic Bandits
- Sting Squad
- Game of Throws
- Soar & Score Sentinels
- Spin Meisters
- Velocity Vanguards
- The Swerve Servers
- Throwing Thrillers
- No Dodge Just Balls
- Blazing Balls
- Dodging Demigods
- Swift Swatters
- Elite Evasion
- Dive Bombers
- Ducking Dynamos
- Evasion Eagles
- Balls of Duty
- Mighty Ballers
- Sneak Attack Squad
- D-Pad Dominators
- No Hit Sherlocks
- Ball Busters
- Duck Dodgers
- Dodgeball Junkies
- Duck & Cover Crew
- Dodgy Peacocks
- Throw-Matic 3000s
- Bounce Back Band
- Throw Power Rangers
- Thrash and Throw
- Orb Obliterators
- Throwing Lions
- Pivot Pros
- The Unhittables
- Dip, Dodge, Dominate
- Reaction Renegades
- Spin Doctors
- Dodgeball Giants
- Throwing Thunder
- Ballistic Blitz
- Flex Throws
- Mad Ballers
- Spherical Assault
- Slingshot Cyclones
- Duck-Tape Dodgers
- Mighty Morphing Thrower Rangers
- Ball Dodgers
- Ultimate Underdogs
- Orange Lemonades
- Sitting Ducks
- The Bullet Dodgers
- Whirlwind Whammers
- Pinball Players
- Catch-22s
- Globally Dodged
- Zig Zaggers
- Ballistic Bouncers
- The Hailstorm
- Dodgeball Dream Team
- Dodge Dealers
- Darting Dervishes
- Dodging Bullets
- Can’t Touch This
- The Evasive 8
- Ball-Astics
- The Orbit Outlaws
- Ball Blitz Brigade
- The Impercepti-balls
- Balls of Fury
- Empire Strikes Balls
- Breaking Balls
- Savage Speedsters
- Curveball Conquerors
- The Untouchaballs
- The Evasion Experts
- Ballistic Blades
- The Strike Squads
Cool Dodgeball Team Names
- Invincible Vortex
- Roundhouse Rebels
- Dodgeball Disruptors
- Dodge Dragons
- Strike Force
- Velocity Vixens
- Bounce Brigade
- Ballistic Bashers
- Throwbocats
- The Fling Kings
- Slingshot Snipers
- The Dodge Dwellers
- Ambush Artists
- Impact Impalers
- The Jukebox Heroes
- Flying Phantoms
- Deathball Demons
- The Bounce Brigade
- Dragon Ballz
- The Ball Brigade
- Raging Shooters
- Grave Diggers
- Dodge Dynasty
- Flinging Phoenix
- Dodgy Armada
- Fast Furies
- Untamed Tossers
- Furious Fireballs
- Maneuver Mavens
- The Hurlers
- Vortex Vaders
- Precision Prowlers
- Dodge Diplomats
- Alpha Attacks
- Bouncing Bandits
- Catchers in the Rye
- Balls Royce
- The Dodgeball Desperados
- The Throw Bros
- Clown Punchers
- Aim Avengers
- Arc Angels
- Speed Shotz
- Blaze Ball Battlers
- Sonic Boomers
- Throw Bros
- Mighty Ducks
- Swinging Stars
- Swerve Storm
- Curve Crusaders
- Fumble Force
- Ballistic Knights
- Dodge Dominion
- Star Shooters
- Cannon Arm Collective
- Throwbocop Squad
- Counterstrike Collective
- Duck & Jive Jaguars
- Dodgeball Dynos
- Impact Imps
- Dodge Dynamos
- Dodge Disciples
- Stealth Sphere Throwers
- Vicarious Vipers
- Sphere Spartans
- Ballistic Banshees
- Sudden Death Dodgers
- Wicked Wrenchers
- Ball Rumble Rebels
- Elite Throwers Inc
- Balls of Stealth
- Duck & Cover Clan
- The Dodgeballiers
- The Strike Force
- Circle Dodgers
- Throwing Titans
- Darting Dragons
- Cunny Catchers
- Catch Crusaders
- Wicked Wrenches
- Dodge Detectives
- Duck and Hover
- Camouflage Crew
- Swift Sphere Slingers
- Grip ‘n’ Rip Warriors
- Reactive Renegades
- Matrix Masters
- Ricochet Rangers
- Orbit Offenders
Best Dodgeball Team Names
- Slinging Savants
- Mighty Matrix Movers
- Ballistic Spartans
- The Sphere Slingers
- The Ricochet Riders
- Gyroscopic Gunners
- Serene Slammers
- Blitzkrieg Ballers
- The Ball Hogs
- The Dodge Guardians
- Spherical Slammers
- Twist Titans
- The Dodgeball Demigods
- Wrench Dodgers
- Pinpoint Predators
- Intense Impact
- Dodging Lasers
- Dazzling Dodgers
- Elastic Enforcers
- Cannonball Corps
- Ballistic Brutes
- Predator Throwers
- Velocity Vendettas
- Ball Wielders
- Dodge Riders
- The InDodgerables
- Salad Dodgers
- Quick Silver Snipers
- Hit For Brains
- Can’t Beat This
- Dodgeball Wizards
- No Dodge All Balls
- Angelic Armada
- Can’t Dodge This
- Pivoting Pythons
- Twist and Shout
- Throw & Go Gladiators
- Dodging Ninjas
- The Fast and the Furious
- Sidestep Swat Team
- The Dodging Divas
- Apex Aim
- The Dodgevengers
- Thunderballers
- Sneak Peak Players
- Fleet Feet Flingers
- Dodging Devils
- Mighty Dodge Ducks
- Dodge Daredevils
- Throw Heroes
- Blitzkrieg Balls
- Triumph Throwers
- Venomous Vipers
- Balling Hearts
- Dodgeball Drifters
- Throwing Tacticians
- Chuck Norris
- Avalanche Attackers
- Cannonball Collective
- Matrix Merlins
- Skill Shot Squad
- Illuminaughties
- Slingshot Soldiers
- Quantum Quickers
- UnbelievaBalls
- The Dodge Ballers
- Moving Targets
- Target Teamsters
- The Ball Wranglers
- Snap Throw Squad
- Ground Ball Gurus
- The Circle Dodgers
- Ballistic Ninjas
- Circle of Dodgers
- Rapid Risers
- Zigzag Zephyrs
- Evasive Energy
- Whirlwind Whippers
- Ducking & Driving
- Throwdown Thrillers
- Evasive Eagles
- The Cunning Stunts
- Circle of Dodge
- The Dodgy Ducks
- Whirlwind Warriors
- Ball Whackers
- The Eliminators
- Dodge City Legends
Clever Dodgeball Team Names
- Hit and Run Homies
- Whip Throw Walloppers
- The Sidearm Swat
- The Dodgeball Dervishes
- Ferocious Fireballs
- Thunderball Titans
- Deranged Dodgers
- Duck and Cover Crew
- Catch Kings
- Ball Dodging Beasts
- Target Tacklers
- Cutie Pies
- Party Throwers
- Catch-22 Crew
- Ducking Daredevils
- Bouncing Berzerkers
- Dodgeball Divinity
- Dodge City Outlaws
- Headshot Heroes
- Target Masters
- The Gritty Grippers
- Infinite Throws
- Aim High Elites
- Elite Dodge Squadron
- The Orbital Strike
- The Dodger Dogs
- Dodging Divinities
- Dive and Thrive
- Uncatchable Clan
- Dodging Ducks
- Thrill Throwers
- Indestructi-Balls
- Caught Red Handed
- Mountain Snipers
- Rapid Reflexes
- Sling Shot Squad
- UntouchaBalls
- Aces of Aim
- Power Pitches
- Throw Kings
- Dodgeball Dynamos
- Reactive Rebels
- Catch-If-You-Can Clan
- Catch Me If You Can
- Catch Coalition
- Curve Ballers
- Whiz Whippers
- Pitching Pythons
- Storm Throwers
- Dodge Federer
- Reservoir Dodge
- Hurling Heroes
- The Shadow Swarm
- Rodger The Dodger
- The Dodginators
- Duck ‘N Dive Dragoons
- Ducking Divas
- Dodgy Devils
- Greatest Ball Of All Time
- Lethal Launchers
- No Hit Sherlock
- The Underdodgers
- Dip, Duck & Dive
- The Dodgerinos
- Catch Commandos
- Dodge This!
- Balls of Anarchy
- The Dodgeroos
- Candy Crushers
- Gotta Dodge ‘Em All
- Dodgeball Daredevils
- Dodgernauts
- Silent Assassins
- Masters of Mayhem
- The Untouchables
- Sneak Attackers
- The Gargoyles
- Matrix Marauders
- Dodge Knights
- The Dodge Squad
- Warp Speed Whippers
- Aim Allies
- Dip, Dive & Dodge
- The Dodgy Birds
- Elite Evasion Squad
- The “A” Team
- Clash Crew
- Dodge Deities
- The Throw Show

How to Choose a Good Dodgeball Team Name
Here are some tips with examples to help you out:
1. Be Creative and Fun
When coming up with a dodgeball team name, try to be as creative and fun as possible. You want a name that stands out and makes people smile.
Think about puns or funny phrases connected to dodgeball, like “UntouchaBalls” or “DodgeFathers.” These kinds of names will make your team memorable!
2. Use Alliteration
Alliteration is when you use the same starting letter for each word. It’s catchy and rolls off the tongue easily.
For example, “Daring Dodgers” or “Gutsy Gunners.” It’s a simple trick that can make your team name both fun to say and easy to remember.
3. Include Team Color
Including your team’s color in the name can help create an instant visual association. If your team wears red, “Ruby Raptors” or “Red Rockets” might be cool options. It also makes it easier to come up with design ideas for team jerseys or logos.
4. Play With Words
Puns and wordplay are a great avenue for naming. They show cleverness and help your team stand out. How about “DodgeBrawlers” or “Ballistic Bombers”? These names show a playful side while still sounding strong and competitive.
5. Keep It Relevant
Make sure the name is relevant to dodgeball. It might be tempting to pick a random funny name, but it should still tie back to the sport somehow.
So instead of just “Wild Bananas,” you might go for “Dodgeball Bananas” to keep it linked to the game.
6. Get Inspiration from Pop Culture
Reference your favorite movies, shows, or books for inspiration. This can create a name that resonates with a lot of people like “The Avengers” or “SpongeBall SquarePants.” Just make sure it’s a reference your teammates all enjoy too!
7. Simple Is Sometimes Better
Sometimes a straightforward and simple name does the trick. “The Champions” or “Victory Vipers” are easy to remember and sound classic.
Don’t feel like you have to complicate things; a simple name can be just as good as a complicated one.
8. Make It Intimidating
You might want a name that strikes fear into the heart of the competition. “Strike Force” or “Blazing Barrage” certainly sound intimidating. An imposing name can give the impression of a strong, tough team.
9. Add Humor
A bit of humor never hurts! It makes for a fun atmosphere and can distract other teams. “Aim Low” or “We Got Balls” might get a chuckle out of your opponents and spectators, and a happy team is a winning team.
10. Consider a Local Twist
Lastly, you could connect your team name to something local. Whether it’s a landmark, local legend, or just a play on the name of your town, like “Frisco Fireballs” or “Memphis Mirrors.” This creates a sense of pride and belonging to your area.
25 Examples Of Dodgeball Team Names Ideas
Dodge Demons: Implies a team with fiendish skills at dodging.
Ball Blasters: Suggests a team that throws with exceptional power.
The Dodgefathers: A pun on “The Godfather,” indicating a team with an authoritative presence.
Duck & Weave Warriors: Refers to a team adept at moving out of the way quickly.
Aiming High: Suggests that the team sets and meets high standards.
No Hit Squad: Implies that the team is very good at avoiding being hit.
The Untouchaballs: A playful twist on ‘untouchable,’ indicating a team that’s hard to hit.
Dive Bombers: Suggests a team that is aggressive and sudden in their movements.
Throwbocop: A pun on “RoboCop,” denoting a team that is precise and robotic in throwing.
Dodgezilla: Combines “dodge” with “Godzilla,” suggesting a monstrously good team.
Ballbarians: A play on “barbarians,” indicating a fiercely competitive team.
Swerve Squad: Implies a team that expertly swerves to avoid getting hit.
Catch-22ers: A literary reference indicating a team that can navigate tricky situations.
The Dodging Divas: A team that combines agility with a flair for the dramatic.
Evade Brigade: Suggests a highly coordinated team skilled in evasion.
Whirlwind Throwers: Implies a team that throws quickly, with a whirlwind-like speed.
Deflective Titans: Suggests a team with giant-like strength in deflecting balls.
Ball Hogs: A playful name suggesting a team that keeps control of the dodgeballs.
The Artful Dodgers: A reference to Dickens’ character, representing a cunning and agile team.
Curveball Crusaders: Suggests a team that throws tricky, curving shots.
Balls of Duty: A pun on the video game “Call of Duty,” indicating a team that takes the game seriously.
The Strike Force: Implies a team that strikes with precision and force.
The G Dodge Squad: Plays on “G-Spot,” indicating a team with a good sense of humor and skills.
Velocity Vipers: Suggests a team that strikes quickly and with deadly aim.
Dodgeball Dynamos: Indicates a team that is dynamic and full of energy on the court.
Conclusion: Dodgeball Team Names
To wrap things up, think of a team name as more than just a bunch of words put together. It’s like a cool nickname that can show who you are as a group, bring everyone together, and give you a boost when you’re working on something important.
Picking a name from our ideas or mixing them up to make something new is like choosing a team uniform. You want something that feels right and shows off what makes your team special.
Whatever name you go with, it should get you pumped to do great things together. It’s like the first page of an adventure story where your team is the star. Go for a name that everyone on your team likes and that tells everyone what you’re all about.
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